Your Workout is Missing One Crucial Step

Your weights are racked, the treadmill is off, and you’ve finished a round of stretches. Your workout’s done, right? What if I told you that you’re missing one key component: a recovery massage.
It may feel like an unnecessary luxury. So when you’re running short on time, what makes a post-massage workout worth it?
Working out is an important part of maintaining musculoskeletal health: building up strength in muscles, joints, and stamina. The process happens in a delicate cycle of stressing the muscles and then giving them enough TLC to recover after that hard work, before starting it again. Whether you’re working out to build the body you want, build up strength, get better at a sport, or just for fun, recovery is a crucial part of reaching those goals and avoiding injury.
So how does post-workout massage fit in? The recipe for recovery after exertion has 2 main ingredients:
- Rest: This kind of massage switches on the part of your nervous system that promotes rest (that’s the parasympathetic nervous system, in case you were wondering).
- Blood flow: Massage can boost local circulation, so you get greater blood flow to the muscles you worked out.
With these 2 benefits, massage puts your body in the perfect position to recover, reduce soreness, and get ready for the rest of your day and for your next workout. That’s why Aescape is excited to introduce our first two massages geared specifically towards athletes.

Leg Day Cool Down: 15 minutes of dedicated attention to the hamstrings and extra attention to the glutes. Perfect for runners, lifters, cyclists, or anyone feeling the burn in those thighs.
What people are saying about it: “I forgot how sore I was; it really focuses on your tension points… just enough to soothe it all out” –Jonathan

Back Day Cool Down: 15 minute focus on the full back and a little extra love for your shoulders. Perfect for swimmers, boxers, rowers, climbers, or anyone getting shredded under that chunky sweater.
What people are saying about it: “I feel really good after this massage; it definitely got all the sore points out like I feel different now… I feel like I can take on the day now” –Ruchi
Long story short: sticking to a workout routine is important for your musculoskeletal health. Sore muscles and injuries slow down or interrupt that routine. So if just 15 extra minutes after your workouts could help you get over soreness faster and help prevent injuries, is that worth it?
We think so. And we’re confident that once you try our 2 Cool Down massages, you’ll feel the same way. So give these massages a shot and book your Aescape for after your next workout.